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All the informations contained in the database are the result of researches on:
Archivio di Stato di Genova. Liste di imbarco tratte dai Registri di Sanitą Marittima - periodo 1833-1856.
Memorial do Imigrante di San Paolo (Brasile), Porto di Santos, periodo 1888-1912.
Castle Garden-Battery Park, periodo 1820 -1912.
Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA) di Buenos Aires (Argentina), periodo 1926-1950.

Project supported by Compagnia di San Paolo

Cisei Archives Project

In 2006,  CISEI started the “Archives project”, that follows two main guide -lines:

  • Collection of all Italian emigration data, available at local and national archives.
  • Cooperation with international archives existing in the ports of arrival of  Italian emigrants , such as  New York, San Paolo, Buenos Aires.

CISEI “Archives project” aims to become the main reference of the Italian emigration, in order to offer a innovative and unique solution, by combining and integrating several databases with all information available on the historical Italian emigration.

The archive is an on-line computer-based platform called “KMS” (Knowledge Management System) that is capable of matching data from different databases with heterogeneous contents about the emigration such as: data lists, addresses, images, maps, photos, animations, audio and visual documents, social network profiles, web links, books, reviews, lists of researchers and bibliography references; all material is collected by direct research and/or exchanges with other institutions (public and private, local or foreign). The KMS may also collect information supplied by individuals, either interested in making available their family sources, such as letters, interviews, opinions,  reports , original documents, or willing to propose corrections, integrations, even new ideas and materials. Every new proposal, after being scientifically evaluated and screened by an expert team, will be checked for reliability and matched with existing information, and finally made available on the platform, in the appropriate sections.

The goal is to build-up a “virtual place” made of different knowledge and experiences, all made possible by a cooperating process, under the supervision of an expert team, with the purpose of increasing the historical knowledge and the memory of the Italian emigration.

From the first step, whose goal was simply the research of people who left the country from the port of Genoa, a second step was made, expanding the research to departures from all Italian harbours. Now at its third step (the KMS step), CISEI has more than three millions of names, corresponding to more than 55 milions data, about people who left Italy in the last two centuries. plus half a million of data awaiting digitalization. CISEI is also collecting information on the ships and their history, the routes, the transcription of logbooks, the reproduction of  boarding and landing registers, family diaries, voyage and life histories.


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